Published: 12-06-2014 09:33 | Updated: 12-06-2014 09:33

STINT grant to Andreas Nyström for cooperation with Mayo Clinic

Andreas Nyström at the Institute of Environmental Medicine at Karolinska Institutet and Dev Mukhopadhyay at Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, have been granted SEK 1 575 000 in the form of Institutional Grants from the STINT Foundation.

The purpose of STINT Institutional Grants is to strengthen Swedish research and higher education by supporting the etablishment and development of international collaborations. Andreas Nyström and Dev Mukhopadhyay will use the grant to develop common courses, a series of seminars and research.

– The STINT grant allows us to continue our research collaboration in the field of nanomedicine for another four years, a cooperation that has already yielded promising results. At the same time, we can add education components to be shared with Maya Clinic in both the nanomedicine and cancer fields. Among other things, we plan common PhD courses and a series of webinars between Mayo Clinic and KI. Both are important components in the memorandum of understanding (MOU) that our universities share, says Andreas Nyström.

Of a total of 107 applications, only 12 have received a grant.