Singapore health minister visits Karolinska Institutet

Singapore’s minister of health, Mr Gan Kim Yong, visited Karolinska Institutet on Monday 15 May, along with a delegation that included representatives of the country’s healthcare organisation.
During the visit, the delegation learnt more about Karolinska Institutet’s nursing programmes, ageing research and collaboration with the healthcare sector on research and education. The visit was a joint arrangement by Business Sweden and the Swedish Embassy in Singapore.
Acting Vice-Chancellor Karin Dahlman-Wright received the delegation in Aula Medica in the company of acting pro-Vice Chancellor Anders Ekbom and Deputy Vice-Chancellor for International Affairs Maria Masucci. Also present were Gunnar Nilsson, pro-dean of higher education; Ann-Langius-Eklöf, head of the nursing division/nursing subject coordinator; and Chengxuan Qiu and Anna-Karin Welmer from the Aging Research Centre.
KI collaborates with Singapore on research and on education at all three levels. Its first contact with Singapore in 1999 resulted in collaborations with the National University of Singapore, Nanyang Technological University and A*STAR. Some 20 doctoral students have graduated under joint programmes with departments in Singapore, and student exchange schemes are in place for numerous study programmes, including biomedicine, medicine and public health science.