Silver medallists and long-serving employees recognised at ceremony

Dean of Doctoral Education Marianne Schultzberg, Silver Medal recipients Elisabeth Kjellén and Gunnar Lennerstrand and acting vice-chancellor Karin Dahlman-Wright after the ceremony. Photo: Ulf Sirborn
Elisabeth Kjellén and Gunnar Lennerstrand have been awarded Karolinska Institutet’s Silver Medal for 2016. The medals were presented in conjunction with the “För nit och redlighet i rikets tjänst”, NOR, awarding ceremony, which took place on 15 February. The NOR award was presented at the same time to employees with 30 years in the service of the state. The ceremony was held at the Swedish Society of Medicine and was followed by a dinner.
Professor emeritus Gunnar Lennerstrand received the Silver Medal for his pioneering work over many years in ophthalmic research. Senior Lecturer Elisabeth Kjellén received the Silver Medal for her significant contributions to biomedical analyst education. The Silver Medal is awarded to people who have made particularly import contributions in support of the university’s activities.
Acting vice-chancellor Karin Dahlman-Wright was also present at the ceremony, where 37 people also formally received the NOR 2016 award, 26 of whom were there in person:
Kristina Alexanderson, Per Bengtsson, Marika Berglund, Carina Boström, Francesca Chiodi, Stefan Einhorn, Michael Elm, Susanne Fält, Henrik Garoff, Katarina Gell, Per Gerde, Annika Hanberg, Patricia Humire, Eva Kalmér, Catharina Larsson, Lilian Larsson, Carola ÅB Lidén, Lena Lilius, Eva Lindgren, Eva Lorentzon, Björn Meister, Silvia Nava, Gunnar P. Nilsson, Dulceaydee Norlander Gigliotti, Ingela Norström, Lena Palmberg, Marti Parker, Anna Persson, Sven Pettersson, Ann Roosaar, Staffan Sahlin, Martin Schalling, Helmi Siltala-Roos, Ulla Stenius, Lars-Olof Wahlund, Annica Wohlin Wottrich and Lena Von Koch.