SEK 2,3 million to research on app for cancer patients
Ann Langius-Eklöf, Professor of Nursing at NVS, has received SEK 2,3 million by the Kamprad Family Foundation. The grant will be used in her research on an application “app” for cellphones and tablet computers, in which cancer patients report about symptoms that are relevant for assessing their progress during treatment and possible side effects.
The app is developed by Ann Langius-Eklöf and her research group in collaboration with the company Health Navigator.
“The next step is to, in randomized controlled studies, investigate if the use of the app contributes to identifying serious symptoms earlier, and in that way reduce the number of health care visits and the clinical workload. The study starts this autumn”, says Ann Langius-Eklöf.

Ann Langius-Eklöf
Phone: | +46-(0)8-524 835 78 |
Organizational unit: | Division of Nursing- Nursing 2 |
E-mail: | |