Robert Harris and Lars Henningsohn are receiving the Pedagogical Prize 2014

Robert Harris, department of clinical neuroscience (CNS) and Lars Henningsohn, department of clinical science, intervention and technology (CLINTEC), are the recipients of the pedagogical prize of KI 2014.
Since 1999 KI is annually awarding a pedagogical prize to individual teachers, teacher teams or administrative staff who have made strong pedagogical efforts. From 2013 and onwards the prize also includes pedagogical efforts at the research education of KI.
Robert Harris is the central director for the research education, director for the research education at the department of clinical neuroscience (CNS) and member of the board for research education. In the nomination text to this year’s award winner it says that Robert Harris has “conducted the work with implementing an educational perspective to the research education at KI. He has continuously worked for, and strengthened, the supervisors’ knowledge regarding pedagogical thinking, the learning process, the learning goals and learning activities”