Published: 06-10-2016 10:30 | Updated: 06-10-2016 10:40

Researchers at NVS receive Forte grants

This week, Forte´s decision concerning the 2016 open call for applications for project grants, junior research grants and postdoctoral grants was made public. At NVS, researchers Ingemar Kåreholt and Bettina Meinow, both at the Aging Research Center, receive project grants.

Ingemar Kåreholt has received 3.44 million SEK in project grants for the project: Psychosocial working conditions and late-life physical functioning: What role do gender and socioeconomic position play?

Bettina Meinow, has received 2.73 million SEK in project grants for the project: Longer lives, healthier lives? Patterns of severe health problems and dependency in the last years of life.

In total, Forte grants SEK 272 million to 96 applications in this call.