Professor Jonas Ludvigsson new pediatrician in TV4

On October 7, Dr Jonas F Ludvigsson will make his first appearance as the ”in-house pediatrician” of Swedish television TV4. He will participate regularly in the television show ”Malou efter tio” to discuss health and disease in children.
You were asked by TV4 to become their ”in-house pediatrician” to discuss paediatric matters. Why did they ask you?
-I think they asked me because I was the chair of the Swedish Society of Pediatrics a few years ago and recently published a book (as one of three editors) in emergency pediatrics.
In the television show, many different topics are discussed. Will you be up to the task?
-I work in the clinics three days a week and am on call roughly once a week. I am a general pediatrician and manage sick children with all kinds of diseases so I hope I will be able to answer most of the questions.
What do you want to do as television pediatrician?
-I hope to be able discuss a wide range of important topics. In the first program I will discuss when it is appropriate to seek help at the emergency department (and when not). In future programs I hope to discuss infectious diseases, immunisations, autoimmunity, and other interesting topics.
Jonas is scheduled to appear at 10.58 in the first program: