Published: 18-07-2017 11:19 | Updated: 11-08-2017 14:19
Professor Emeritus Uno Lindberg passed away on June 30th 2017

Professor Emeritus Uno Lindberg passed away on June 30th 2017. Former MTC research group leader Uno was Professor Emeritus at Karolinska Institutet from 2006 onwards, with research focusing on cell biology. Uno was also a member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences (RSAS) from 1989 onwards and served as RSAS Vice President from 2000-2003.
There will be a remembrance service for Uno on 8th September 2017 at Kungliga Vetenskapsakademin Lilla Frescativägen 4A at 13.00. If you wish to take part please register by email or by telephone 08-645 56 69