Published: 09-12-2016 09:49 | Updated: 09-12-2016 09:52
Peter Arner receives Noomi Berrie Award for excellent diabetes research
At the annual Frontiers in Diabetes Research Symposium held at the Berrie Center (Columbia University), this year November 19, Professor Peter Arner (Department of Medicine, Huddinge) was recipient of the Naomi Berrie Award for Outstanding Achievement in Diabetes Research.
The Russel Berrie Foundation established the annual award in 2000 to foster high-quality diabetes research by rewarding outstanding achievement. Recipients are distinguished senior investigators from US and outside medical institutions. The prize (about 150,000 USD) is to be used to promote research for a promising fellow in the recipient´s laboratory, in this case PhD Hui Gao who will study the role of long coding RNAs for human fat cell function.
Congratulations, Peter!