Participate in research study on the opening of Campus

Karolinska Institutet is carrying out a research study to evaluate whether the opening of Campus has an effect on the spread of COVID-19. Students, teachers and staff at KI are welcome to participate.
Participation in the study takes place via an app where you will regularly answer questionnaires about, for example, your travel patterns, teaching and health status.
The project started already last year to evaluate whether the opening of the Campus has an effect on the spread of SARS-CoV-2 and almost 1000 students are already participating in the study. Now that the Campus is opening more and more and Sweden has continued spread of COVID-19 in society, the study continues, and the project is now looking for more participants.
The research study is about understanding the conditions and behavior of students, teachers and staff to be able to develop an action plan to minimize the spread of infection.
– KI is a world-leading medical university, we have a special responsibility not to contribute to ill health through increased spread of infection while we also have a responsibility to generate knowledge for the future, says Joakim Dillner, professor at KI and responsible for the study.
Participation in the study is voluntary and no compensation is paid.