Update of ki.se on October 21
On Thursday 21 October, starting after 7 pm, an update will be made of ki.se incl. education.ki.se, staff.ki.se, news.ki.se and kise-drupalkurs.ki.se. The websites will be accessible to visitors during the update, but editors will not be able to log in and edit.
The update includes the following:
Overview of breadcrumbs / structure
Now there is the option "Breadcrumbs - Parent and children links" which you can reach either via Workbench or as a tab in Content.
Here you see all the menu items that are available and you can also drill down into the structure.
Breadcrumbs with the wrong language
If you make a page from a Swedish context and change the language to English, the English menu settings will now appear so that you can choose breadcrumbs in the correct language directly.
However, you still need to edit the page again to be able to make language change links, promos etc, and save the page again so that Drupal to understand that you have created an English page.
If you are in an English context from the beginning, everything works immediately, just like today.
Other updates
- Share links have not worked on some program pages. Turned out to be the programs that have an apostrophe in the title.
- The field More information related to this / these promo (s) allowed too few characters, which meant that it was not possible to enter long links.
- Many program websites on education are called the same thing, which has made it difficult to find the right page in Linkit. We have added the program's label to Linkit so that it will be easier to separate the pages and find the right one.
- Only three out of five news items appeared on the ki.se homepage on mobile phones. Now everyone is visible, the first with an introduction, the rest with only a title.
- There will be a summary of errors in the form, previously the errors have only been presented individually.
- The search box has been given a general description that tells what the field is for.