Published: 20-04-2021 16:07 | Updated: 28-04-2021 11:33

Update of on April 22

On Thursday 22 April, starting after 7 pm, an update will be made of incl., and The websites will be accessible to visitors during the update, but editors will not be able to log in and edit pages.

New address for profile pages

From now on, the address for a profile page will be and for the english version. 

The address is generated from your email address. People with the same name, are distinguished by the email address by a number, this will also be reflected in the URL. Example: johanna-sjoblom-1.

The old address will be redirected to the new one, which means that links found elsewhere will continue to work.

Likewise, if you change your name and get a new email address, the old address will continue to work. 

The change has been made for security reasons.

Finding a ki-id

If you usually use to find a ki-id, then it will no longer work. Use Outlook instead. Proceed as follows:

1. Open the address book in Outlook - either via the "To" field when writing a new e-mail, or via the toolbar.

2. Search the person you are looking for, and scroll sideways to the right. The Alias ​​column lists the person's ki id.

Other updates

Difficult to see if a document or promo is unpublished

It has been difficult to see which document or promo is unpublished on a page, you as an editor have only received a rather difficult-to-interpret error message. Now you therefore see clearly that a document / promo is unpublished in the editing mode directly on the page you are working with.

New way of retrieving information from Varbi

From now on, the information from Varbi is synced every 4 hours and changes - for example a new application date, new institution or type of job - made in Varbi take effect directly on

Focal area on images on news article and events

Just like on the landing page, you will now be able to specify a focal area for an image that is in the Image field on a news article or event.

Mobile number is visible in search results

If you have chosen to display your mobile number on your profile page, it will now also appear in the search list.