Update of ki.se on 3 October - profile pages are affected
On Thursday, 3 October, starting at 7 PM, an update will be made to ki.se, including news.ki.se, staff.ki.se, and education.ki.se. During the update, there may be some downtime, and it will not be possible to log in and work in the web publishing system.
The update includes the following changes that you, as a visitor or editor, may notice:
Profile Pages
The URL (address) of the profile page currently derives from your KI ID in combination with your name and email address. The email address becomes the last part of the URL.
The change means that if you change your email address, the old profile page URL will stop working.
- Anna Andersson has the email address anna.andersson@ki.se, and the profile page URL becomes ki.se/personer/anna-andersson.
- Anna changes her last name and gets a new email address anna.nilsson@ki.se, resulting in the new profile page URL ki.se/personer/anna-nilsson.
- The old URL ki.se/personer/anna-andersson will stop working at the same time.
We have added a mandatory field for documents that requires you, as an editor, to specify the type of document you’re uploading. You do this in a dropdown list.
The reason for this is that KI must send a legal deposit, known as e-plikt, of certain types of documents on the website to the Royal Library. To save you from having to think about whether the document should be sent as e-plikt or not, we decided to solve this by requiring you to specify the type of document, and we will automatically forward some of these.
Existing documents are not affected until you need to update them.