Published: 20-05-2024 14:29 | Updated: 20-05-2024 14:35

No password changes for Telia Tochpoint Plus

Telia is cancelling password change requests every three months. If you have received a password change email, you can disregard this and keep your current password.

Earlier in May, the IT Office announced a change to Telia Touchpoint Plus that would require the user password to be updated every three months.

Telia has now removed this requirement, and if you have received emails from Telia but have not already changed your password, you can disregard this request.

Information from Telia

About changing passwords in Telia Touchpoint Plus

We have previously communicated that we have introduced a feature that prompts users in Telia Touchpoint Plus to change their password every three months. We have received many comments and questions about this and we have therefore decided to switch off this feature until further notice.

We are now reviewing the feature and will come back with more information in the future. Users who have already been asked to change their password can disregard this request.

Greetings Telia
