Published: 30-08-2024 10:35 | Updated: 16-09-2024 14:30

Deionized water temporarily turned off during week 37 - Biomedicum

Biomedicum's clean water facility is being rebuilt with new filters to ensure high quality of the deionized water. As a result, the clean water must be turned off periodically during week 37 for floors 6-9.
The system must also be sanitized after the service from Friday 13 September to Sunday 15 September, and during that time the clean water cannot be used.

Quarter A and B

  • Conductivity: OK (0.28 microSiemens)
  • TOC: OK (29 ppb)

Quarter C and D

  • Conductivity: OK (0.14 microSiemens)
  • TOC: NOT OK (141 ppb) The TOCvalue is estimated to be below threshold (50ppb) Tuesday September 17. Result will be posted here.  

The stop lasts for three hours for individual quarters (see table below), and it is then not possible to use the deionized water from the green taps in the apparatus rooms. Note that also equipment connected to clean water, for example water purifiers, cannot be used during the shutdown.

After service, the clean water system must be sanitized. This takes place Friday - Sunday week 37, and during this time all equipment must be disconnected from the system (turn off and close the water valve) and the water must not be used. After sanitation, the TOC-value of the water will be analyzed and the result is expected at the beginning of week 38. An e-mail will be set out to Biomedicum staff with the result. 

Deionized water downtime schedule
Date Time Quarter
Monday September 9 1:30 PM - 4:30 PM A8, A9
Tuesday September 10 9 AM - 12 PM B8, B9
Tuesday September 10 1:30 PM - 4:30 PM B6, B7
Wednesday September 11 9 AM - 12 PM C8, C9
Wednesday September 11 1:30 PM - 4:30 PM C6, C7
Thursday September 12 9 AM - 12 PM D8, D9
Friday September 13 - Sunday September 15 Whole day All Biomedicum

Bottled sterile MilliQ water is available all week, but please do not take more flasks than you need for your daily work. It is also possible to take MilliQ grade water directly from the dishwashing and sterilization facility during working hours Monday - Thursday this week. 


Fredrik Jonsson

Technical manager, Akademiska Hus