Published: 09-02-2023 18:15 | Updated: 20-02-2023 11:05

Arial becomes the default typeface in Outlook

The default typeface in Outlook will be changed to Arial as part of the implementation of KI's updated visual identity.

When sending an email, it should be clearly stated that you are an employee at Karolinska Institutet and part of the university. Adding a cohesive typographical expression also gives a uniform image of KI when we communicate. From now on, the default system typeface for email, including signature, is Arial, 11 points, black. Arial is an email-friendly typeface that aligns well with KI's overall graphic profile.

The typeface will be launched automatically for all users within coordinated IT. How quickly the change takes effect can depend on whether you are working on-site or remotely and may require a restart of Outlook. If you are not a part of coordinated IT you can adjust your default typeface in Outlook to Arial by going to Tools – Options – Email Formats – Templates and Fonts.

Read more about how to set up your email signature in accordance with KI's guidelines.

The profile typeface DM Sans has been installed on all computers within coordinated IT. DM Sans is to be used for printed matter, websites, in Office templates and on signs/posters. Read more about the brand typefaces.


For questions about the graphic profile, contact the Communications and Public Relations Office via

In case of technical issues, contact Helpdesk.