Published: 14-10-2019 17:53 | Updated: 15-10-2019 18:35

Operating info: Interruption in liquid nitrogen feeding in Biomedicum between 21-22 October

New liquid nitrogen feeding pipes are being installed to the EM-facility at the Wargentin-house. Therefore, the liquid nitrogen feeding to cryo-freezers will be interrupted from noon on Monday 21 October and until Tuesday morning 22 October.

FM will fill up all freezers on Monday morning so that they will keep the proper temperature during the interruption.

Please note that during the interruption:

  • we urge all users of cryo-freezers not to open any of the cryo-freezers in rooms B0265 and B0273.
  • no containers with liquid nitrogen will be transported to the laboratories

If you have any questions, please contact FM Helpdesk

/Facility Management group
