NVS Education Committee

”Our strengths lie in our diverse professions, high pedagogical competence, and strong commitment to educational matters”, says Maria Hagströmer about the NVS Education Committee, which she leads as the Departmental Director of Education (GUA) at NVS.
NVS has an education committee (NVS UN), like all other departments at KI. The responsibility of the committee is to oversee quality and decisions related to education at both first and second cycles. The committee is led by the GUA. Other members include our two deputy GUAs, the four programme directors, and deputy programme directors (though without voting rights). Additionally, there are faculty representatives from our own department, as well as four faculty representatives from other collaborating departments. Ideally, there should be one or two student representatives, but currently, there is a vacancy. However, we do have student representatives in our programme committees, whom we consult for student perspectives on various issues. NVS UN also includes three representatives from Region Stockholm and the City of Stockholm.
”They play a crucial role!” emphasizes Maria Hagströmer, chair of NVS UN. ”They provide insights into ongoing activities and offer feedback on improvements for courses with clinical education (VFU).”
Maria Hagströmer highlights that this diverse group of leaders creates a valuable knowledge bank, drawing perspectives from various angles and enabling mutual learning.
Organizationally, NVS UN falls under the KI Committee for Higher Education, following established regulations. However, the head of the department holds overall responsibility for NVS UN, and she has delegated authority to the GUA, who oversees the committee’s operations.
”Decisions made within NVS UN concern syllabuses for courses offered as part of study programmes, freestanding courses, cancellation of courses, and suggested freestanding courses offered by NVS”, explains Maria Hagströmer. ”The Committee for Higher Education makes decisions regarding new and revised educational programmes”.
Serving in three-year terms
Members are elected to NVS UN for three-year terms, with the possibility of extension. Programme directors (PDs) are also selected for three-year terms and automatically become part of the committee. Within our department, we consult the divisions to identify suitable faculty representatives. We have representatives from all divisions except ARC and neurogeriatrics, which have limited teaching. For other departments, we send inquiries to the relevant head of department and GUA, asking them to appoint a faculty representative to our committee. The Medicinska Föreningen appoints the student representative, while Region Stockholm and the City of Stockholm select the external representatives.
Eight meetings per year and a full-day workshop
NVS UN meets four times per semester. Since the pandemic, meetings alternate between physical and digital formats. Many board members do not work in Flemingsberg, so digital meetings are convenient.
Half of the meeting agenda involve decision points, while the other half focus on information and discussion. Topics include incoming referrals (such as the one on national collaboration for clinical education in nursing programmes), evaluations by the Swedish Higher Education Authority (UKÄ), and progress reports. We also discuss program updates, freestanding courses, organizational matters, and the activities in our subcommittees, including the ethics group and the NVS International Committee.
”I find the information-sharing part fruitful”, says GUA Maria Hagströmer. ”It allows for collegial learning, support, and rich discussions. There’s always someone with valuable expertise on the topics being discussed”.
Once a year, we hold a full-day workshop with a specific theme. This fall, the theme focuses on interdisciplinary collaboration across programmes, covering areas like interprofessional learning (IPL), ethics, sustainability, and internationalization.
Subcommittees, annual cycles, and fantastic administrators
Within NVS UN, there are also several subcommittees, including the NVS International Committee. They work on strategic issues related to internationalization and handle matters concerning incoming and outgoing students.
NVS UN operates on a recurring cycle. For example, in October, we focus on course syllabus; in November, it’s budget-related matters; and in January, we engage in overall reporting.
”I’d also like to highlight the fantastic work done by our UN administrators”, says GUA. ”Anna-Carin Isacsson and Anette Stålbalk, along with Linda Schöldberg (who is joining us), excel in their roles. They have a firm grasp of regulations and maintain close contact with the Faculty Office”.
Quality Plan
Each year, NVS UN develops an overall quality plan for education. It serves as a strategic plan aligned with the departmental goals. Currently, the primary focus is on educational economics.
GUA’s participation in the NVS management group ensures synchronization and keeps the head of the department well-informed about key issues within the committee.
NVS UN faces immediate challenges related to finances and a change in student flows. Today, we encounter greater diversity among students, with varying backgrounds and prior experiences. They are less self-directed, requiring different teaching competencies. Providing support and coaching beyond mere instruction is essential, although more costly.
Additionally, external factors come into play, such as national evaluations of programmes and reports to be addressed, that require input. Notably, the Study Programme in Nursing faces particular scrutiny.
”Despite our size, the group dynamics are excellent”, concludes Maria Hagströmer. ”Members are candid and creative, which strengthens our collective efforts”.