Nordic medicine prize to pain researcher
[NEWS 2013-10-24] Associate professor Eva Kosek, Karolinska Institutet, will receive; together with Professor Eija Kalso, Helsinki University, the SalusAnsvarsprize 2013 of one million Swedish kronor.
Eva Kosek and Eija Kalso are awarded the prize for "Pioneering research on acute and chronic pain. Their research has, and will continue to have, a great impact on the pain treatment of large patient groups in our society".
Eva Kosek is a researcher and associate professor at the department of clinical neuroscience, Karolinska Institutet.
In the justification for the prize it is stated that through her research she has, among other things, shown the development of pain in patients with fibromyalgia and what factors that make the pain lasting.
The SalusAnsvarsprize, awarded every year, is one of the largest medicine prizes of the Nordic countries and it is rewarding a "particularly prominent scientific achievement". The awards ceremony will take place at the Annual National Meeting for Physicians in Stockholm December 5, 2013. Next year the award will change its name to "the Nordic medicine prize in cooperation with Folksam".