Published: 13-09-2012 00:00 | Updated: 26-11-2013 10:29

Nordic Fernström Prize awarded to KI professor

[NEWS 2012-09-11] The 2012 Nordic Fernström Prize has been awarded to Professor Peter Arner at Karolinska Institutets Department of Medicine in Huddinge, Stockholm. The prize is worth one million kronor.

Professor Arner works mainly with experimental and clinical research on how fat metabolism is regulated by the human body, with a particular emphasis on adipose tissue function. His research group has shown, for instance, that fat cells are formed throughout life and not just in childhood.

The Eric K. Fernström Foundation awards the Grand Nordic Prize every year along with local prizes to junior scientists from each medical faculty in Sweden. The foundation is based at Lund University´s medical faculty.

Professor Arner receives the prize for, amongst other achievements, his contributions to "scientific knowledge of the function and regulation of human adipose tissue and its profound significance for health and disease".