Nearly 25 million SEK for research at NVS in SRC's call for Medicine and health 2017
The Swedish Research Council (SRC) has come to a decision in the "Medicine and Health 2017" call, and at the end of October the list of approved grants was published. In total, researchers at the Department of Neurobiology, Care Sciences and Society (NVS) are awarded 24 750 000 SEK in project grants. A total of 1,222 applications were received, of which 244 were granted funding.
Researchers at NVS who are granted funding
3 450 000 SEK
Project title: Effekt av tidig och strukturerad mobilisering och rehabilitering efter bukkirurgi på grund av cancer – ”Early Up and Go”,
2 400 000 SEK
Project title: Hur reglerar reaktiva astrocyter synaotisk aktivitet?
2 400 000 SEK
Project title: Betydelsen av molekylär imaging vid Alzheimers sjukdom och andra neurodegenerativa proteinopathier
3 450 000 SEK
Project title: Delaktighet i livet utanför hemmet: Personer med demens möter vardagsteknik i offentlig miljö
4 800 000 SEK
Project title: Expansion av genetiska koden avslöjar patogena mekanismer vid Alzheimers sjukdom
3 450 000 SEK
Project title: Fex-Can - Fertilitet och sexualitet efter cancer
4 800 000 SEK
Project title: Identifying compensatory mechanisms against dementia in diabetes