Published: 09-06-2023 10:29 | Updated: 28-08-2023 16:38

Monthly report KI RIMS - June

This is a short report from the project team working on the implementation of KI RIMS. The posts are aimed at those who are interested in the work of adapting the product Elements from Symplectic to KI's requirements and conditions and want to follow the development process.

You can read more about the entire project on the Staff Portal: Systems Support for Research Information

Contact person: Malin Essén



To be able to showcase all KI's scientific groups in a good way, the project has mapped the different types of groups and formations at KI. We have also developed a draft on how they can be represented and managed in KI RIMS, and how they can be displayed on In this work, we have had good help from both departments and one larger network.

We have had meetings with the web editors to let them know how KI RIMS will affect their work later this year.

Region Stockholm has announced that KI RIMS may process information about the USV unit, which means that KI RIMS internally at KI will be able to show where in the healthcare system KI's researchers are active and will also be able to make that cut in reports that are extracted.

Data quality

For KI RIMS to be useful, it is important that the data quality is good, and during the past month we have worked together with colleagues in the HR department to map the information and working processes concerning the docents at KI.

We are continuously listing data quality deficiencies in the integrations, with the aim of working to minimize them.

Create findability 

The Research Committee (KF) has appointed a working group to support the project on visibility and labels. The group will develop a foundation for decisions regarding levels of visibility of different types of information, and how to indicate whether you are available for questions from the press and who can create new research groupings for display in KI RIMS.

Overviews and compilations

The system provider has started building the Qualifications portfolio according to our specifications, and we have been able to create a couple of different data extracts (a type of report). In early August, we will test the usability and usefulness of these reports. 

End user support

A first version of the KI RIMS information page has been created and is located on the Staff Portal ( It makes it easy to find information about how KI RIMS will work and what support is available. We will expand the page gradually.

Roles and authorization assignment

The roles Statistician and Content Manager, which provide extended ability to extract reports and the ability to manage the information on group pages respectively, will be assigned automatically using IDAC and Primula, in the case of ACs and line managers. This feature is now requested from the IDAC administration.