Published: 28-08-2023 11:56 | Updated: 28-08-2023 11:57

Meet Felicia Petersson, new HR Partner at Neuro

Felicia Petersson joined the Department of Neuroscience on 7 August 2023. She will be working as a HR-partner along with Malin Guvéus. We took the opportunity to ask her some questions in view of her first day and the autumn.

Hi Felicia and welcome to Neuro!

What is your role and what will be you be working with?

"I will start in August, as an HR partner at the department. Among other things, I will support all staff in issues related to employment. It is a relatively broad role as I will work a lot with laws and regulations, but also review internal routines."

When can colleagues at Neuro turn to you?

"You can turn to me if you have any questions regarding your employment, benefits that KI offer or simply if you just want to discuss HR-related matters, ask questions and bounce ideas."

What do you look forward to the most in your new position?

"I really look forward to meeting my new colleagues! I have already gained a very positive image of the department, so I am eager to get to know everyone and being helpful in big and small issues. I also look forward to learning more about KI as a workplace."

What is your working experience before joining KI?

"I have previously worked at KTH, Södertörn and most recently Stockholm University. I have a rather broad experience from the university world and think it is very exciting. Working at KI is really a fantastic opportunity for me to broaden my knowledge further."

When you are not at work, what do you fancy doing?

"When I'm not working, I spend a lot of time outside, taking walks in nature with my dog or spending time with family and friends. I love playing different board games, but unfortunately, I am a bad loser, so I may not always be in the best of moods when I play."

Tell us about the most beautiful place you’ve been to?

"That’s a rather difficult question. I have had the privilege of seeing many beautiful places, but since I am a bit of a local patriot, I have to say Kalmar city. It is my hometown and every time I visit, I am filled with such calm. That makes the city the most beautiful I know. I can highly recommend a visit in the summer!"

Are you reading any book at the moment?

"I'm currently reading "Educated: a memoir" by Tara Westover. I've read it before, but I like to reread books that I like."