Published: 04-12-2023 13:25 | Updated: 04-12-2023 13:28

MBB Frontier Teaching Awards

At MBB, we are teaching at the undergraduate, postgraduate as well as doctoral level. Our vision is to provide education in the molecular life sciences that is of a very high standard and significantly improves the skills of our students. Our overriding aim with the teaching at MBB is to raise the general knowledge in biochemistry and related subjects from that of the beginner students, towards that of skilled professionals.


To further strengthen our teaching, we are now announcing up to three MBB Frontier Teaching Awards, which are aimed at identifying, recruiting, and supporting dedicated personnel at MBB who have a special interest and skill in engaging in the further development of our teaching. The grants will be awarded to successful applicants with the following conditions:

  • SEK 400 000 per year for up to five years in award money, supporting salary costs
  • The MBB Frontier Teaching Grants will support ca. 20-25% of the awardee’s own salary costs, including LKP, thereby freeing up other funding that may be used by the successful awardee for research costs, salaries (of a group member, but not scholarships), travel support, etc., as arranged by the awardee within the respective division in agreement with the respective division head.

The successful applicant should have a passion for advanced education, and will work with MBB teaching staff to raise the quality of our teaching. To be awarded an MBB Frontier Teaching Award, the successful applicant must dedicate to more advanced engagements in teaching than that typically handled through the regular teaching efforts by MBB staff (such teaching will continue following the current model at MBB). The awardees of MBB Frontier Teaching Awards are expected to contribute to the teaching in a manner not done by any other persons at MBB than those of our currently fully engaged teaching unit staff, whom the awardees will support and work closely with. 

Typically, the awardee’s tasks will include over-riding responsibility for selected teaching engagements within the medical and biomedical programmes, as well as development within these courses e.g. by introducing new teaching and examination models/sequences, and/or representing MBB at selected bodies such as program meetings at central KI level, etc. These efforts are expected to further strengthen our teaching unit at MBB and help to further develop the overall quality of our teaching, and will naturally also provide excellent opportunities for strengthened pedagogic merits. 


In order to apply for a MBB Frontier Teaching Award the applicant must meet the following requirements:

  • Be employed at MBB (as post doc, researcher, lecturer, professor, administrator or any other position) at the time of application, and throughout receiving and using the grant.
  • Dedicate approx. 20-25% of their working time to teaching, adhering to duties and responsibilities as described above, and with its details mutually agreed upon in writing with Håkan Andersson, Director of Undergraduate Education.
  • The duties in teaching for the awardees will be evaluated and revised yearly (incl. the first year), with a possibility for prolongation of the award up to five years in total.


Interested? Send your application for an MBB Frontier Teaching Award to Håkan Andersson, Director of Undergraduate Education, no later than January 8, 2024, with an expression of interest and a statement (maximum one A4 page) on plans and interests in teaching, along with a short CV, focusing on teaching merits. Include a short statement to verify that your application is endorsed by your PI (or division head). 

All applications will initially be ranked by a reviewer group consisting of Håkan Andersson, Director of Undergraduate Education, Bernhard Lohkamp, Deputy Director of Undergraduate Education, and Elias Arnér, Assistant Head of Department with responsibilities for education. Awardees will be selected based on perceived potential to contribute to the teaching at MBB with tasks as described above. Formal pedagogical merits are preferred but not required, as dedication for teaching and the ability of being a good team player will be viewed as most important. In the interest of continuity, applicants aiming for longer term commitment will be favored. A shortlist of up to five applicants will finally be evaluated by the management group of MBB, before a decision of awardee(s) will be taken by Sten Linnarsson, Head of Department. The same reviewing principles will be applied at the yearly follow-up of awardee duties and contributions. Decisions on these awards and their use and prolongation cannot be appealed.
