Licentiate thesis 15 Nov 2017: Camilla Sjörs

On Wedneday Nov 15, Camilla Sjörs will defend her licentiate thesis "Näringsintag och utsläpp av växthusgaser från svenska matvanor ur ett epidemiologiskt perspektiv".
The committee is made up by adjunct professor Liselotte Schäfer Elinder from the Department of Public Health at KI, Dr Anna Karin Lindroos from the National Food Agency Sweden and associate professor Cecilia Sundberg from Sustainable development, Environmental science and Engineering (SEED) at KTH. Camilla's supervisors are Katarina Bälter, Fredrik Hedenus and Arvid Sjölander.
The focus of Camilla's licentiate thesis are two-fold;
1) How well a questionnaire with questions on dietary habits can estimate greenhouse gas emissions from food compared to a reference method.
2) If nutritional intake and compliance with nutritional recommendations differe between people with high and low greenhouse gas emissions from food, respectively.
Time and location: 13:00, 15 Nov 2017 in the lecture hall Atrium, Nobels väg 12B, Karolinska Institutet, Solna