KI students highly commended for undergraduate paper

Two students from Karolinska Institutet, Mimmi Mononen and Maria Movin, were highly commended by The Undergraduate Awards at the summit meeting in November.
The international award body The Undergraduate Awards (UA) recognises and rewards undergraduate students across 25 disciplines, ranging from business and engineering to visual arts and midwifery. Mimmi Mononen was highly commended for her paper on the role of fractalkine in microglia-glioma communication, and Maria Movin for her work on the impact of childhood asthma and atopy on growth in early adolescence.
The 120 winners and highly commended entrants, representing 50 universities, were selected from 4,792 submissions. The awards were presented at the 2014 UA Global Summit in Dublin, Ireland, on 21st November. Linnea Jonsson Axelsson and Elin Persson from Karolinska Institutet were also highly commended, but could not attend the summit.