KI still popular as a university and employer

April 15 was the last day to apply for programmes starting in the autumn term 2024. By the end of the day, more than 23 000 people had applied for a programme or independent course at Karolinska Institutet. KI also achieved high rankings in a new survey on students' dream workplace.
KI's medical programme is the programme in Sweden that has the most first choice applicants in this application round.
The Bachelor of Science Programme in Business and Economics at the Stockholm School of Economics is second on the list, while the law programme at Lund University has the third highest number of first-time applicants.
82 per cent more applicants
A total of 23 124 individuals have applied for independent courses and programmes at KI. After the medical programme, the dentistry and psychology programmes had the highest number of applicants among KI's programmes.
The programme at KI that has increased the most in terms of first-time applicants is the occupational therapy programme, which has 82% more first-time applicants compared to the previous year.
KI is also popular after graduation. At the end of March, employer branding agency Universum published its 2024 student survey.
More than 23 000 students from Swedish colleges and universities answered questions about where they would like to work when their studies are over.
KI means good future prospects
Karolinska Institutet is ranked in the top ten in several of the survey's categories. For example, KI comes first on the list of dream workplaces for students in health and medicine.
- The fact that Karolinska Institutet both tops the list of future dream employers for students in health and medicine and maintains a high number of applications to our educational programmes is of course very pleasing. We have sought-after programmes in socially important functions that lead to high employability and good future prospects. Quite simply, KI is attractive as a university as well as a workplace," says Johanna Gasslander, Head of Unit at the Department of Education and Doctoral Programme Support.