Published: 23-08-2017 14:40 | Updated: 23-08-2017 15:00

KI research projects in European innovation competition final

The finalists in the EIT Awards competition have been announced and among them are two medical engineering projects from KI.

The finalists from KI are the projects “Stockholm3”, a test (blood sample) that makes it possible to detect the risk of aggressive prostate cancer, and “MULTI-MODE”, an e-health tool for predicting and preventing dementia in risk patients.

The prize is awarded by the European Institute of Innovation & Technology (EIT) for projects that advance European innovation and tackle global challenges in the areas of climate change, digitalisation, energy, health, food and raw materials.

The two projects are nominated in the “Venture” category, where the prize is worth EUR 50,000. The awards ceremony will be held in Budapest on 16 October during EIT’s annual innovation forum, INNOVEIT.

Three of the 21 finalists are from Sweden. In addition to the two KI projects, “ICARO-EU” from KTH Royal Institute of Technology is also competing.