Published: 21-09-2012 00:00 | Updated: 13-02-2014 16:10

Karolinska Institutet invests 60 million in promising junior scientists

In a drive to attract the best junior researchers, Karolinska Institutet will shortly be announcing funding for 20 positions as research associate.

With the reintroduction of a four-year career position, Karolinska Institutet is now to launch a major investment in young scientists with open advertisements through national and international channels this October. PhDs may apply up to seven years after graduation.

"We welcome this renewed opportunity to offer junior scientists this step up on their career ladders," says Professor Martin Ingvar, dean of research at Karolinska Institutet. "This is a major investment for us. Attracting young talent here will bring us the fresh vitality so essential to the academic environment."

The research associates that will be recruited are given an opportunity to test their wings as independent researchers. The initiative is part of Karolinska Institutet's efforts to set up a secure, clearly defined system for people wanting to embark on a scientific career. The Board of Research plans to advertise positions for junior researchers annually.