Published: 28-03-2011 00:00 | Updated: 26-11-2013 10:29

Karolinska Development floated on stock market

The board of Karolinska Development AB (KD) decided yesterday to apply for a listing of the company´s shares of series B on NASDAQ OMX Stockholm on 15 April 2011. A decision was also taken to broaden the shareholder base through a new issue of shares of series B.

Karolinska Institutet Holding AB (KIHAB) currently owns approximately 12% of KD, which gives a voting strength of 35%. The new share issue will raise extra capital for KD, which will benefit the development of its new venture into life science.

"Karolinska Institute welcomes this decision," says president Harriet Wallberg-Henriksson. "One of our missions is to help shorten the lead time from discovery to marketable product. We´re also happy to see the same willingness in the government, as expressed, for instance, by the investments in innovation announced in its latest research bill."