Published: 19-09-2023 13:53 | Updated: 19-09-2023 13:52

Joséphine Brodén, Division of Oral Diseases, won the award for best educational project

Joséphine Brodén won the award for best educational project.
Joséphine Brodén won the award for best educational project. Photo: Maria Pigg

It was at the European Society of Endodontology Biennial Congress in Helsinki 6-9 September 2023 that Joséphine Brodén won the award for best educational project

The prize was awarded for a study included in Joséphine's thesis: "Experts already have the answers" - A mixed methods study on dental students´ reflection on risk assessment of root filled teeth.

The prize money of €2,500 is awarded by the ESE Education and Scholarship Committee. Joséphine was also elected as a member of the committee.