Japanese students visiting KI
As part of the international strategic collaboration between KI-KTH-SU and the University of Tokyo (UTokyo) the three Swedish universities hosted a group of 20 undergraduate students from UTokyo during the first week of September.

The theme of the visit was innovation and the students took part in different activities and visits at the three universities. As an introduction to KI the group had the opportunity to visit the Hagströmer library where they got a very interesting guided tour around the library by Hjalmar Fors. As KI has a master's programme in entrepreneurship, the group also was introduced to the master's programmes of KI by international office and by students studying the master programme in bioentrepreneurship.
“It was particularly impressive to see that the students were keen to learn more about the projects presented. They had intriguing questions which challenged the presenters. Some of them even continued asking queries after the presentation got over. My colleagues enjoyed the interactive session.”
The day continued to SciLifeLab and the National Genomics Infrastructure (NGI) which is a technical platform and provides access to technology for massively parallel/next generation DNA sequencing. At NGI the students were introduces to the amazing technical things that now is possible in genomics and DNA sequencing.