Published: 11-04-2013 00:00 | Updated: 26-11-2013 10:29

International students happy to recommend KI

[NEWS 2013-04-11] Of all universities in Sweden, Karolinska Institutet (KI) is the one most likely to be recommended by international students and the second most likely globally, according to the ISB (International Student Barometer) survey. KI also leads the table in terms of its education.

The ISB is the largest annual survey of international students. The 2012 survey contained some seventy questions about study experiences, and was answered by over 160,000 students.

"We're overjoyed that so many international students look so favourably upon their studies at KI, and the fact that they'd be willing to recommend us to others is extremely gratifying," says KIs dean of education, Jan-Olov Höög.

The 2012 ISB also contains much student praise for the education at KI. The results put KI in first place, nationally, on a number of points, including the teachers' pedagogical skills, learning support, and the fair treatment of student assignments

About the ISB

The ISB is run by the British market research organisation i-Graduate. KI has taken part in the survey since 2010, and in 2012 had a response rate of 46 per cent.