Ingrid Delin new member of FM
On March 1, Ingrid Delin started as coordinator in the FM laboratory safety team, Biomedicum.
Hi Ingrid! What is your background?
I have extensive experience from laboratory work at KI and am a certified BMA and biologist. Up until now I worked in quarter B5 where I was laboratory manager in asthma and allergy research and also one of FyFa's quarter coordinators.
What role will you have now within FM?
I will be a coordinator in laboratory safety with responsibility for radiation safety issues and the isotope labs, be an administrator in KLARA and be a pharmaceutical manager for the researchers in Biomedicum. I will also, among other things, work with questions concerning chemicals and take care of the darkrooms on floor 2.
What are you looking forward to with this new role?
I hope to contribute to an even better and safer working environment in the lab at Biomedicum. I look forward to helping with lab safety procedures, answering questions about handling chemicals and KLARA, and more. For my part, I look forward to expanding and updating my knowledge in the field of laboratory safety.