Published: 19-05-2017 13:27 | Updated: 19-05-2017 13:37
Impressive PhD presentations during SyDAD´s annual meeting

At May 9-10, the European Training Network SyDAD (Synaptic Dysfunction in Alzheimer Disease) assembled at DZNE in Bonn for an annual meeting including a mid-term review by the European Commission.
”I am very impressed by all high-quality presentations by the PhD students and very happy to see all interactions between the different research groups”, says Susanne Frykman, Project Manager.
SyDAD is a research school sponsored by Horizon 2020 Marie Sklodowska Curie Actions that supports 15 Early Stage Researchers (ESRs). Its PhD programme include an innovative research programme with cutting edge methodology, an excellent training programme, international exchanges and a translational and collaborative orientation.