IMM students at the EU summer school
The 2nd year ToxMaster students at IMM have together with teachers participated in the 2nd European Commission Joint Research Centre’s Summer school on Non-Animal Approaches in Science Challenges & Future Directions with in total 120 junior scientists in Ispra, Italy 21-24 May 2019.

This was the 10th time the KI ToxMaster programme visited JRC with all graduating students. Over time these study visits have become a collaboration between KI/IMM and JRC where IMM teachers participate in both developing the programme and in the teaching. The ToxMaster programme has also developed during these years thanks to this collaboration, especially in areas of non-animal testing methods and Adverse Outcome Pathways (AOPs). This year the ToxMaster students presented posters on their master projects (13/24 of their projects were performed at IMM) and one of our students, Marialuisa Baldi, won the 1st prize for best poster!
Proceedings and programme JRC Summer School 2019: Non-Animal Approaches in Science