Hello and Good bye

Summer is almost here and with it the much-needed holiday.
After the summer, Eva Palmer will no longer be the head of FM in Biomedicum
So we say good bye to Eva, but also hello to Johanna, the new head of FM.
Eva Palmer
Eva came to KI in 2008 and after several years at FyFa and Neuro she started working with planning the move to Biomedicum and setting up the organization for FM. She says it has been incredibly educational and developing years and Eva is vey proud of the FM team that has been created together.
FM receives high marks in satisfaction surveys for several years in a row, and that makes the FM team incredibly happy and proud. But, that doesn't mean we sit back. There is still much to develop and improve, so it is with warm hand that Eva hands over the responsibility to Johanna Steen, who will become the new head of FM.
What has been your biggest challenge?
To spread knowledge about and understanding of the incredibly broad service catalog FM has. We deliver service in so many areas, and you may think it costs a lot, but you get a lot for your money.
What are you most proud of?
The FM employees! How they deliver service to the core business in a fantastic way on a daily basis! And also how we, together with moving consultants, handled the moving in April 2018 in an outstanding way, which was carried out in 6 (!) weeks. Almost everything went completely according to plan, but it was like organised chaos. We needed to simultaneously help with moving in, deliver service to the groups that started working with super speed and also answer an incredible number of questions. We were under pressure, but in retrospect we are satisfied.
What is your best memory?
There are actually two of them. The first day I came to KI in 2008 and then 10 years later when I first stepped into Biomedicum. What a fantastic environment, both purely creatively but also the building!
I want to take the opportunity to thank everyone I came into contact with over the years in Biomedicum and at KI for all the pleasant and constructive conversations, I will miss this creative and sometimes challenging activity. Take care /Eva
Johanna Steen
And welcome Johanna! Tell us about yourself
Many have probably already met me here at Biomedicum as I now work with laboratory safety. I have worked at FM for two years, and before that I worked in a similar support activity at a department at SU.
I have a background as a protein scientist. I did my PhD from KTH where I was part of the human atlas project. After that, I worked here at KI, at CMM, and researched autoantibodies in patients with RA, before changing my path to work in support of the researchers.
What will you focus on now as unit manager?
I want to continue to develop FM to provide the service that the researchers in Biomedicum need and demand. I look after a good working environment for us as within FM, but also for everyone else who works at Biomedicum. Therefore, it is important to me that everyone at Biomedicum feels that the service we offer via our service catalog both improves the work environment and makes research more efficient.
What is your best memory?
I feel like Eva, it's probably the first time I was here in Biomedicum on a study visit, I think it was 2019. I felt "Wow, what an incredible research environment - I would like to work here!" And now I am so happy and proud to take over the role of FM manager in this fantastic research house.
Johanna Steen will start as head of FM July 8
Eva Palmer´s last day at FM will be August 9