Graduation May/June 2024

The Study Programmes in Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy, Nursing and Specialist Nursing as well as the Complimentary Programme for Nurses with a degree from outside the EU/EES celebrated their graduating classes the last week of the spring 2024 semester.
Study Programme in Occupational Therapy
The traditional rose ceremony for graduating students was held on May 30, a festive occasion celebrated with cake and cider. Programme director and representative from the Division of Occupational Therapy held a short speech and presented graduation brooches. Representatives from Artemis, Medicinska Föreningen also delivered a speech and gave each graduating student a rose. The programme awarded the prize for best degree project to Ida Eriksson and Amanda Arnqvist: ”Relatives’ perspective and attitude regarding lifestyle changes in stroke prevention. - A qualitative secondary data analysis.”
Study Programme in Physiotherapy
Students and teachers at the Study Programme in Physiotherapy held the traditional graduation celebration with mingle, homemade song from the teachers and presentation of the student prizes Guldgoniometern (Tony Bohman) and Evidensblomman (Wim Grooten). At this years graduation party, three graduating students who have served as teaching assistents were recognized and thanked for their highly appreciated work.
Study Programme in Nursing
Three days of celebration for graduating nursing students have now taken place. On Thursday, May 30th, there was a brooch ceremony for the Study Programme in Nursing (campus and distance), as well as for the Complimenatary Programme for Nurses with a Degree from outside EU/EES (KUSSK). Lecture hall H1 at ANA23 was filled with students from the three programmes. They filed in to music from the Medicinska Föreningen orchestra ‘Stroket’ and eagerly took their seats in the hall. The program included speeches from Head of Department Maria Ankarcrona, Head of Division Per Ekstrand, and Ann Langius-Eklöf, professor in nursing, along with more beautiful musical pieces from Stroket. Programme Director (PD) Kristina Gottberg explained the symbolism of the brooch and conducted the name reading during the brooch presentations. Deputy PD Carina Georg also participated, along with several teachers from the programmes. Approximately 16 rounds of fanfare, cheers, and applause followed before the exit and mingling with cake and cider concluded the ceremony.
The brooch ceremony was followed by the formal graduation ceremony on Friday in the Ehrling Persson Hall and the KI graduation party on Saturday, together with the other graduating students.
Study Programmes in Specialist Nursing
The digital graduation ceremony for the Study Programmes in Specialist Nursing had many participants, some of them attending from their homes, while others had gathered with their classmates om campus. The day was celebrated with speeces from Head of Department Maria Ankarcrona, all responsible specialist area teachers, Marie Iwarsson, SSF, a former student, a doctoral studend and Head of Division Per Ekstrand. All studentes received a diploma and were thanked by Lise-Lott Rydström, programme director and Åsa Dorell, depty programme director. Two students were recognized for their degree projetcts:
Best degree project (masters's degree), spring semester 2023 (graduated January 2023)
Sofia Andersson and Johanna Tjernberg, Study Programme in Specialist Nursing - Mental Health Care
"Experiences of treatment with antipsychotic drugs among persons with a psychotic disorder. A literature review"
Honorable mention (master's degree) spring semester 2023 (graduated January 2023)
Kerstin Hultgren, Study Programme in Specialist Nursing - Oncology Care
"Beyond the protocol - Participation in oncological clinical trials from the patient`s perspective"