Published: 08-06-2018 09:36 | Updated: 08-06-2018 09:46
Five new Masters in odontology, odontological prophylaxis and dental technology

The Department of Dental Medicine continues to develop clinical scholars through advanced research education in dentistry, dental hygiene and dental technology.
Recently, five candidates successfully defended their thesis and passed the examination. We would like to congratulate the following successful candidates and warmly thank the educators and examiners for their dedication to the course.
Successful Masters candidates were:
- Anton Jonsson (Supervisors: Kåre Buhlin, Jacob Holmer, Division of Oral Diseases)
- Anna Bengtsson (Supervisors: Inger Wårdh, Per Elgestad-Stjernfeldt, Division of Oral Diagnostics & Rehabilitation)
- Annie Borgwardt (Supervisors: Nikolaos Christidis, Abhishek Kumar Division of Oral Diagnostics & Rehabilitation)
- Hedieh Setayesh (Supervisors: Agneta Karsten, Mathias Lemberger, Division of Orthodontics & Pedodontics)
- William Minston (Supervisors: Daniel Benchimol, Xie, Qi Shi, Division of Oral Diagnostics & Rehabilitation)
The courses
Further information related to the courses here follows:
- Theory and methodology of science in odontology, 15 credits
- Degree Project for Master's Degree (120 credits) in Odontology, 30 credits
- Degree Project for Master's Degree (60 credits) in Odontological Prophylaxis, 30 credits
- Degree Project for Master's Degree (60 credits) in Dental Technology, 30 credits
Course Coordinator and Examiner: Professor Nagihan Bostanci
Course Administrator: Cecilia Vestlind