Eric Westman a new member of the NVS executive management

Starting from September 1, 2017, Eric Westman is a new Vice/Acting Head of Department in NVS´s executive management. His responsibilities includes the bibliometric analysis of the scientific publications at NVS, IT and facilities matters.
Eric Westman has previously worked with facilities issues related to the forthcoming relocations to BioMedicum and the NEO building, which concerns many of NVS's employees.
As a new member of NVS's executive management, he wants to make sure that the relocation many of the divisions at NVS goes smoothly, and that the conditions for research and teaching after the relocation will be as good as possible. He also wants to improve cooperation with IT centrally at KI and the current infrastructure at the department.
"It's important that our co-workers´ possibilities to conduct their research will be as little affected as possible during the move, so everything must run smoothly when we relocate. A challenge we have at the department is to maintain the strong cooperation that exists between the divisions, now that we are becoming more dispersed. This is of utmost importance in maintaining the strong translational research we conduct, as well as maintaining the highest level of education within the department. A well functioning IT infrastructure is very important for both research and education, and I want to improve that at NVS”, says Eric Westman.
Previous management assignments
Since 2013, he has been assigned a management assignment as the Head of the Divison of Clinical Geriatrics, and is thus also a member of the NVS Executive group.
"I welcome Eric Westman to the NVS executive management, and look forward to working with him. His skills complement the executive management very well, says Head of Department Maria Eriksdotter.
Eric Westman is a Associate Professor and a Senior Lecturer within neurogeriatric imaging analysis. The aim of his research is to combine different biomarkers with multivariate analysis and thereby to monitor the course of disease and treatments of various neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's disease.