EIT Health project aims to prevent dementia by developing new innovations

The project, entitled Multimodal strategies to promote a healthy brain in aging: Innovative evidence-based tools (MULTI-MODE), has recently been funded by the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (a body of the European Union), EIT-Health. Professor Miia Kivipelto leads the project. The goal is to produce and commercialise two evidence-based e-health tools to predict dementia risk and prevent cognitive decline/dementia among risk individuals.
On April 21, the MULTI-MODE project had a Kick-off meeting at the Aging Research Center (ARC), Stockholm, Sweden. Partner organisations and collaborators gathered for presentations and general discussions of project matters and its work plan.
The project duration is three years, and for the first year, a sum of € 405,000 will be distributed among various academic and industrial partners located in Sweden, the UK, the Netherlands and Spain.
Watch this video with Miia Kivipelto, in which she talks about the project and how it aims to create novel innovations, contributing to the improvement of human health.
Purpose and objectives – evidence-based innovations
Dementia has reached epidemic proportions with no disease-modifying cures. It is therefore important to predict the risk for dementia and implement early preventive strategies.
”The goal of MULTI-MODE is to produce and commercialise two evidence-based e-health tools to predict dementia risk and prevent cognitive decline/dementia among at-risk individuals. The project will use evidence from an innovative multimodal preventive program (the FINGER study). E-Health tools developed by MULTI-MODE will be tailored for use by citizens/health care staff. The project will also engage in educational and knowledge dissemination activities among the general public and health professionals”, says Miia Kivipelto.
Ageing with a healthy brain
The goals of MULTI-MODE are in close alignment with the overarching goals of EIT-Health, that is to promote healthy living through lifestyle interventions and to encourage self-management of health.
The MULTI-MODE approach is unique in using individual risk signatures to prevent cognitive decline, while starting integrated lifestyle modifications prior to the onset of symptoms, with the aim of maximally postponing the onset of cognitive impairment. Preventive strategies include lifestyle interventions aiming at widespread public health benefits, these include nutrition, exercise, cognitive training, social engagement and management of vascular and metabolic conditions.
”With its multidisciplinary team, the project will also establish lasting collaborations within the sustainability plan and promote additional collaborative projects between academia and industry. Moreover, educational activities will use modern effective methods and promote exchanges between students, entrepreneurs and health professionals”, says Miia Kivipelto.
Dissemination activities will include outreach to external stakeholders and liaison with patient groups.
Professor Kivipelto and members of MULTI-MODE are involved in several high level initiatives enabling international/national policy formulations as well as adaptations and rapid implementation of the results.
”Successful prevention will substantially reduce individual suffering and societal costs. This project will not only help to achieve the European target of a two-year increase in healthy life years, but also benefit the social care system and health economy”, says Miia Kivipelto.

Miia Kivipelto
Organizational unit: | Division of Clinical geriatrics |
E-mail: | Miia.Kivipelto@ki.se |
Project coordinator

EIT Health projects at Karolinska Institutet
The MULTI-MODE project is one of a total of two EIT Health projects at the Department of Neurobiology, Care Sciences and Society – and at Karolinska Institutet. The other project is lead by Kristina Johnell, professor at ARC. See further.