Published: 08-05-2017 15:43 | Updated: 30-08-2017 10:25

"Education needs representation"

“Student representation is the most important tool we have for influencing our education, our current study situation and our future as colleagues,” says Pontus Dannberg, deputy chair of the Medical Students’ Association in Stockholm (MF).

MF and the Student Union of Odontology organised a joint meeting on Thursday to inform students about what student influence means, how to become a student representative and what such a position can give in return.

“Apart from the influence aspect, it’s also a good way to get experience of board work and how meetings are structured and a plus on your CV,” says Pontus Dannberg.

There are currently some 100 student representatives on many of KI’s various bodies, including the University Board (konsistoriet), the boards of Research, Doctoral Education and Higher Education, the Working Environment Committee and the Education Committee.

“Some representatives are on more than one body, which means that at the moment we’re raising the student perspective in over 200 contexts at KI,” he continues. “We hope that today’s meeting will encourage even more people to get on board.”