Published: 04-12-2023 14:37 | Updated: 04-12-2023 14:37

Dynamics 365: new system for case management

From 12 December, the IT Office will use a new case management system to handle support cases from staff. This is the first step in a change that will affect the rest of the university administration in 2024.

Decorative image.
Updated looks for the KI service portal.

The new system is called Dynamics 365 and is part of Microsoft 365. Alongside the transition, the service portal where you submit your support cases will also look different and be easier to use.

When you create a new support case, you no longer need to categorise your query; you only describe your problem in free text - the administrator receiving the case manages the categorisation. Auto replies and other messages from the portal will also be updated.

To access the portal, you will need to log in, and when you submit a case, you will receive an auto-reply with a case number that you can not reply to - however, subsequent communication with the Helpdesk administrator can be responded to directly via email.

Shared system support for all support offices

The new case management system is part of the IT Office’s work to improve and streamline UF’s service to staff and other target groups. The goal is to create more unified and user-oriented support.

Various functions have used different systems, and there are great benefits to working in a system shared with all of KI. Standardised system support makes it easier for all groups/units to handle questions, fault reports and incidents and ensure increased traceability.

Dynamics 365 also offers excellent opportunities to produce statistics and comprehensive reports on incoming cases.


The IT Office, which works in a previous version of Dynamics, is the first to switch to Dynamics 365 on December 12. Other offices will follow in 2024, but exactly when this happens for each office is to be determined.

Workshops and training sessions will be arranged for staff before transitioning to Dynamics 365 during spring.

Existing e-mail addresses are kept active

No existing contact routes or functional addresses will be affected by the change. When an individual office or function moves to the new system, you may experience longer response times and auto replies/messages that look different. New contact routes to various functions may be added after the transition to Dynamics 365.

Welcome to contact us at ITA if you have any questions.


Martin Karlsson System Manager