Dissertations Doctoral thesis defence: Enrichetta Mileti

01-10-2021 Add to iCal
Campus Flemingsberg Gene, Neo and Zoom

Welcome to Enrichetta Mileti's Doctoral thesis defence titled:
"Gene regulation of acute insulin response in human adipose tissue in obesity and after weight-loss"


Professor Romain BarrèsCopenhagen University, Center for Basic Metabolic Research

Examination Board:

Professor Jorge Ruas, KI, Dept of Physiology and Pharmacology
Dr. Pelin Sahlén, KTH, Division of gene technology
Professor Tuuli Lappalainen, KTH, Division of gene technology

Main Supervisor:

Dr. Carsten O.Daub, KI, Department of Biosciences and Nutrition


Professor Mikael Rydén, KI, Dept of Medicine
Professor Peter Arner, KI, Dept of Medicine

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Meeting ID: 6708 687 138