Dissertation Sep 25, 2015: Huan Song: Changes of stomach microenvironment and gastric cancer development

On September 25, Huan Song will defend her thesis "Changes of stomach microenvironment and gastric cancer development". Her opponent is professor Manami Inoue from the University of Tokyo, and her supervisors are professor Weimin Ye, professor emeritus Olof Nyrén and Zongli Zheng.
Huan Song's thesis contributes to the emerging evidence showing that gastric cancer, a fatal disease placing heavy burden on human health, might continue to be prevalent in the future. Given the large proportion of population affected by various stages of precancerous lesions, more accurate risk stratification is needed for optimizing the clinical management of these patients. H. pylori multiplex serology might be a useful tool for improving the overall cancer prediction capability. For patients biopsied on clinical indications, cost- effective endoscopy surveillance program needs to be developed for those with proven high-risk mucosal lesions (AG/IM/dysplasia).
Time and location: 9:00 am, Sep 25 2015 in the lecture hall Atrium, Nobels väg 12B, Solna Campus.