Dissertation 9 Nov 2018: Caroline Weibull

On Friday Nov 9 Caroline Weibull will defend her thesis "Survivorship in Hodgkin lymphoma: childbearing and treatment-related disease". Professor James R. Cerhan from the Mayo Clinic will be her opponent. Caroline's supervisors are Paul Dickman, Sandra Eloranta, Paul Lambert, Magnus Björkholm and Ingrid Glimelius.
The primary purpose of Caroline's thesis was to address issues related to childbearing and treatment-associated disease among HL survivors. As a means to investigate these issues, novel statistical methods were developed and applied. Cancer is often considered a disease with, historically, poor survival that affects middle-aged and elderly individuals. Hodgkin lymphoma (HL) is a lymphatic malignancy that affects both young and old individuals, with the age-specific incidence curve having its first peak at ages 20-30 years. As survival has improved substantially over the last decades, there is an increasing number of survivors – some still at a young age.
Time and location: 09:00, Nov 9 2018 in the lecture hall Samuelssonsalen, Tomtebodavägen 6, Karolinska Institutet, Solna