Dissertation 27 April 2018: Yiqiang Zhan

On Friday April 27, Yiqiang Zhan will defend his thesis "A short story of the long telomere: evidence in aging epidemiology". His opponent will be Reader Tom Gaunt from MRC Integrative Epidemiology Unit at the University of Bristol. Yiqiang's supervisors are Sara Hägg, Nancy Pedersen and Chandra Reynolds.
In this thesis, Yiqiang aimed to disentangle the relationship between telomere length and several aging-associated diseases and traits to enhance our understanding of the biology underpinning disease pathogenesis. In his studies, he presents novel evidence about the role of shorter telomere length in aging related diseases and traits in this thesis. The studies took advantage of publicly available GWAS summary statistics data as well as individual-level cohort data and used various innovative designs and statistical methods to achieve this.
Time and location: 09:00, April 27 2018 in the lecture hall Petrén, Nobels väg 12B, Karolinska Institutet, Solna