Dissertation 23 Nov 2017: Xingrong Liu

On Thursday Nov 23, Xingrong Liu will defend his thesis "Generalized survival models as a tool for medical research". His opponent is Professor Virginie Rondeau, French National Institute of Health and Medical Research, Bordeaux Population Health. Xingrong's supervisors are Mark Clements, Arvid Sjölander, Fredrik Wiklund and Yudi Pawitan.
The overall aim of Xingrong's thesis was to provide a rich and coherent framework for modelling either independent or correlated survival data. In medical research, many studies with the time-to-event outcomes investigate the effect of an exposure (or treatment) on patients’ survival. For the analysis of time-to-event or survival data, model-based approaches have been commonly applied. In this thesis, a class of regression models on the survival scale, termed generalized survival models (GSMs previously described in Appendix A of [1]), and full likelihood-based estimation methods were presented along with four papers.
Time and location: 09:00, Nov 23 2017 in the lecture hall Atrium, Nobels väg 12B, Karolinska Institutet, Solna