Published: 20-12-2018 12:57 | Updated: 20-12-2018 13:08

Dissertation 18 Jan 2019: Anna Plym

On Jan 18 Anna Plym will defend her thesis "Breast and prostate cancer: the impact of diagnosis and treatment on sick leave and work". Her opponent will be Professor Susanne Oksbjerg Dalton from the Danish Cancer Society Research Center and the University of Copenhagen. Anna's supervisors are Mats Lambe, Pär Stattin and Lars Holmberg.

The overall aim of Anna's thesis was to study the impact of breast and prostate cancer and their specific treatments on sick leave and work using population-based Swedish register data. Treatment for breast or prostate cancer can have negative consequences on working life. In addition to sick leave during treatment, women and men with breast or prostate cancer are at increased risk of permanent absence from work, although data on the underlying reasons for this are sparse.

Time and location: 09:00, Jan 18 2019 in the lecture hall Atrium, Nobels väg 12B, Karolinska Institutet, Solna