Dissertation 18 Dec 2017: Jiangrong Wang

On Monday Dec 18, Jiangrong Wang will defend her thesis "Effectiveness and equity of cervical cancer prevention : real-life evidence from organised programmes in Sweden". Her opponent will be Professor Margaret Cruickshank from the Division of Medical and Dental Education at the University of Aberdeen. Jiangrong's supervisors are Pär Sparén, Lisen Arnheim-Dahlström and Karin Sundström.
Jiangrong's thesis aimed to use register data in Sweden to perform in-depth evaluation of the effectiveness of cervical screening and investigate the factors associated with HPV vaccine uptake. The work focused in detail upon the uncertain preventive effect against cervical adenocarcinoma in relation to the finding of glandular abnormalities in screening, the effectiveness of screening for the conspicuous incidence of cervical cancer at older ages, as well as social disparity of HPV vaccine uptake in different modes of vaccination delivery.
Time and location: 09:00, Dec 18 2017 in the lecture hall Samuelssonsalen, Scheelelaboratoriet, Tomtebodavägen 6, Karolinska Institutet, Solna